3 Red Rose Sheaf
3 Red Rose Sheaf

3 Red Rose Sheaf...

3 White Rose Sheaf
3 White Rose Sheaf

3 White Rose Sheaf...


White roses, both a long stemmed large variety and...

Cool Blue
Cool Blue

The fragrant longiflorum lily and the funky colour...

Florists Choice Bouquet To Include Tulips
Florists Choice Bouquet To Include Tulips



Florists Choice Bouquet To Include Tulips...

Yellow Posy
Yellow Posy

Yellow Funeral Posy...

Lilac Funeral Posy
Lilac Funeral Posy

Lilac & Cream Funeral Posy. ...

Florists Choice Bouquet
Florists Choice Bouquet

Each of our Florists Choice bouquets are individua...

Pink Posy
Pink Posy

Pink Funeral Posy...

The Orient
The Orient

A truly sophisticated combination of fragrant whit...

Cream & White Spray
Cream & White Spray

Cream & White Funeral Spray...

Orange & Yellow Spray
Orange & Yellow Spray

Orange & Yellow Funeral Spray...

Modern Exotic Spray
Modern Exotic Spray

Modern Funeral Spray...


Dramatic bouquet of roses, lilies and bouvardia of...

Pink & Red Funeral Spray
Pink & Red Funeral Spray

Pink & Red Funeral Spray with pink roses & beautif...

White Satin Bouquet
White Satin Bouquet



Classic in its design, with sumptuous long-stemmed...

Calla Lily Modern Spray
Calla Lily Modern Spray

Calla Lily Modern Spray...

Rose and Lily Bouquet
Rose and Lily Bouquet



Fresh flowers beautifully arranged in a symphony o...

White Lily Spray
White Lily Spray

White Lily Funeral Spray...

Classic White Posy
Classic White Posy

White based posy covered in White Chrysants with a...

Lavish Lilly Bouquet
Lavish Lilly Bouquet

Classic Bouquet of white lilies, an ideal gift for...

Pure Elegance
Pure Elegance

Classic collection of oriental lilies and long-ste...

Grandad Funeral Letters
Grandad Funeral Letters

" Grandad " funeral letter names...